Introducing HRPMO University

HRPMO is excited to announce the opening of HRPMO University. After 20+ years in the field working with clients to elevate HR Operations, HR Strategy, and achieve Human Capital Risk Management – HRPMO brings training on our methods and tools to our colleagues.

Train Your Team

Upskill your project team by training together using your strategy, your goals and your resources as the case study. Learn how to apply analytical methods and analysis to HR initiatives such as business analysis, SWOT analysis, cost/benefit analysis, project management, program management, roadmap development and building a business case. Embark on your initiative with your entire team prepared and  educated in strategic planning and execution for a more cohesive, balanced project team that will implement your strategy with practicality and momentum – saving you time and dollars in resources and budget. This tailored training approach ensures your team is not only skilled but also strategically aligned and ready to tackle your HR transformation with a sense of direction and purpose.

Train Yourself.

Do you see yourself in management in the future? Are you already in management and held accountable for broad decision making and managing for results? Add or enhance your skills in critical thinking, business analysis, project management and more to set yourself apart from your peers and create evidence you are ready for more executive responsibilities. Take the lead and develop your abilities to problem solve – a critical component of management. Learn how to compete for resources, negotiate, and plan a strategy based on data and business predictions.

Begin with gaining familiarity with the foundations and tools used in strategic planning. Then progress to research current trends, business predictions, economic indicators, and predictions for the next 12 months to identify impacts on your organization. Now diagnose your current strengths and weaknesses so you know how much work you can accomplish and make appropriate adjustments to the scope of your strategy. This course takes you through each step of gaining strategic skills, diagnosing your strengths and weaknesses, and designing a roadmap.

Assess HR Operations for Efficiency

HR Operations involves many services to a customer based composed of employees, managers, unions, vendors, and external regulatory agencies. Poor operations and business processes can bog down delivery and management causing frustration to our customers and poor program management. Assessing efficiency identifies areas that need attention whether it is poor technology, bottlenecks, poor data governance or upskilling of staff.

Design Your HR Technology Transformation

All technology has a shelf life. If you are in digital overload, it might be time for a new HR Information System. A good rule of thumb is a shelf life of about 10 years to fully ensure a return on this large investment. When you are ready to upgrade your tech, the best approach is to start with assessment and planning before you talk to someone in sales. By conducting an analysis of your needs and business requirements first, you are educated and informed and you’ve gotten IT on your side. Now your conversations with vendors will be led by you.

Build Your Business Case (Course

Developing a Business Case is an exercise in critical thinking and ensures you build a justification for your project before you ask for a commitment of resources. It forces the project team to gain sponsorship from executives by showing the return on investment and creating metrics to validate the return over time. The trick for HR is that many times, the value is lost in translation. HRPMO training helps you develop the skills needed to think objectively about your project, plan for any negative push-back and stay the course to bring the value to the organization.

Project Management for HR

HR is constantly involved in executing projects. Using a standardized methodology helps planning, resource management, and timing. But HR has unique challenges because of our visibility. HRPMO’s training is designed to upskill your project management capabilities by customizing the application of project management to Human Resources projects. Visit our HRPMO University page!


Human Capital Risk Management

Innovation is the design and development of something new, as yet unknown and not in existence, which will establish a new economic configuration out of the old, known, existing elements.

It will give these elements an entirely new economic dimension. it is the missing link between having a number of disconnected elements, each marginally effective, and an integrated system of great power. – Peter Drucker

This is the opportunity of “human capital risk management”. The re-imagining of Human Resources expands our concept beyond the “human element” of the workforce to embrace the full breadth of HR’s sphere of influence on the organization. Whether you call it Personnel, Human Resources or Human Capital – whether you call it HR Strategy or HR Risk Management – being fully strategic means practicing strong fiscal and program management on one side and leadership and management development on the other to reduce risks, facilitate a path to empower the workforce of an organization and empower strong performance. 

After 20 years of working in the field with Finance and IT professionals, we’ve learned a thing or two about leveraging proven business management methodologies and applying them to Human Resources. Through this application, we’ve learned how to produce quantitative AND qualitative business intelligence that can guide the development of an HR Strategy that is aligned with organizational strategy. Today, HRPMO is excited to offer training to our HR colleagues on our methodology. We guarantee the value of these skills because we have used them in a variety of client engagements over and over with outstanding results. Applying these methodologies to Human Resources’ transformations and strategic planning creates a foundation that supports achievable goals based on current capabilities in the short term as HR leadership works to improve and upskill.  Harder, stretch goals are deferred until capabilities are ready – making execution of your strategic plan smoother, more organizationally aligned and more successful and impressive.  

The methods we teach are founded on business analysis, capacity capability modeling, risk management, project management, program management, cost/benefit analysis, technical gap analysis and more. These battle-tested methods and strategies have not traditionally been included in Human Resources training. But they work just as well on workforce initiatives and operations as they do on other business areas. These business skills can yield high quality results when applied to Human Resources and empower you with real data, evidence-based decision making, and prioritization to inform your HR Strategy. In fact, thousands of employees in organizations just like yours have benefited from improvement in their Human Resources services because of HRPMO’s guidance and training on “how” to improve leadership, HR Operations and service delivery. We don’t focus on theory – we’re all about application and how to get the work done. 

Empowering the performance of Human Capital Strategy ripples throughout an organization to accelerate leadership, good management, accountability, and workforce performance which in turn facilitates innovation, revenue growth, improved customer satisfaction and success. This is the core of strategic Human Capital Risk Management.

Now, through HRPMO University, we bring training in these quantitative business skills that is customized to the perspective of Human Resources and powered by our experience with 200+ projects for clients working on real problems and challenges. We want to empower our HR colleagues to help you incorporate these tried and trusted methodologies into your skill set. 

Our goal is to create an ecosystem of delivery methods including webinars, in-person and virtual workshops and seminars, virtual online training that is self-paced, and if desired customized training for your HR team. The mission of  HRPMO University is to elevate Human Resources to the strategic partner we know HR can be. 

I recently participated in HRPMO’s HR Strategy course on a self-paced track. The course was incredibly useful as it really clarified how to create strategic goals that were aligned with my organization’s goals, and how to understand and evaluate the HR trends in the news vs. my organization’s capabilities and needs. On a scale of 1-5, I rate it a 5 and look forward to other courses offered through HRPMO U. The training upskills my business skills and provides me with “how-to” real world application.

Melody, HR Director, Texas

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